Opposite National saving bank,Goal chakar
Sahiwal Pakistan
9:00AM - 6:00PM
Monday to Saturday
Online 24/7

E-Commerce Managemant

E-commerce management encompasses the strategic and operational activities required to run a successful online retail business. It involves everything from product sourcing, inventory management, and website design to marketing, customer service, and logistics. Effective e-commerce management ensures a seamless shopping experience for customers, with optimized product listings and user-friendly interfaces. It also involves tracking sales, monitoring customer behavior, and making data-driven decisions to enhance the online store's performance. By focusing on aspects like payment processing, security, and mobile optimization, e-commerce managers can create a competitive edge in the digital marketplace, ultimately driving growth and profitability for their business.


    10 to 15 weeks

    Course Outline

  • E-commerce Fundamentals and Planning
  • Introduction to E-commerce
  • Market Research and Niche Selection
  • Setting Up Your E-commerce Business
  • E-commerce Platforms and Website Development
  • Product Sourcing and Inventory Management
  • Marketing, Operations, and Growth
  • E-commerce Marketing
  • Customer Service, Analytics, and Scaling
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It is a pleasure for me to be able to assist you!